Noongar Six Season Collection

The inspiration behind the Noongar Six Seasons Artworks stems from my upbringing, where each Season embodies an essence passed down through generations. I believe that the Six Noongar Seasons reflect the heartbeat of this country and form a cornerstone to preserve the interconnectedness of our ecosystem.

The Noongar Seasons have always been a-part of Aboriginal life and like time itself, the Six Noongar Seasons represent a predictable timetable of foreseeable events. Acknowledgement that nothing is unconnected, and each change is being influenced by the last. Animals, insects and Noongar people have always relied on this process, moving across the land directed by the weather and location of available foods. Plants flower at the same times of year, bearing fruit and reproducing according to this endless cycle. Recognising this beautiful connection and understanding the synchronicity of all these events that happen simultaneously gives us the knowledge to know what to do and when it needs to happen. Each small change is in direct response to another, and this symbolic interconnection is essential to maintain the eco cycle we all depend on for life. To understand the specific indicators of the Seasonal Calendar, unique to land, is to read nature itself who will always provide us with the knowledge that has guided Aboriginal people for thousands of years.


